
Brinsley Johnson


Agriculture | Financial Services | Natural Resources | Public Sector | Telecommunications

Agreed-upon Procedures | Internal Audit and Compliance | Financial Due Dilligence | Procurement Support | Forensic Auditing | Fiduciary Services

Executive summary

Brinsley graduated from the University of Sierra Leone in 1985 with a B.Sc. degree in Pure and Applied Science. He subsequently qualified as a Chartered Accountant (ACCA) and obtained an MBA from the University of Sierra Leone. He is currently a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sierra Leone and ACCA (UK) with designations FCA and FCCA respectively.

Brinsley has acquired over 25 years’ experience and a great depth of technical knowledge in assurance, project audits, consulting and advisory services in Sierra Leone and in Ghana. He currently superintends BDO Sierra Leone’s public sector and humanitarian services client’s portfolio.